About Us
The Figure Skating Association of Tasmania (FSAT) was originally formed in 2001 as The Figure Skating Club of Tasmania. The Club was initially developed to allow Tasmanian skaters to attend interstate competitions.
The Club then went through all the requirements to become an incorporated body and affiliate with Ice Skating Australia (ISA). The Figure Skating Club of Tasmania then became what it is now known as, The Figure Skating Association of Tasmania. The formation of FSAT has allowed Tasmania to hold it’s own competitions, events, ISA testing sessions, and skating camps. It has allowed it’s members to represent Tasmania by competing interstate, nationally and internationally.
FSAT has proudly produced many successful figure skaters throughout the years. Our skaters have proudly represented our State and Country. FSAT’s aim is to continue to produce successful skater’s and grow the sport of figure skating in Tasmania.
2024 FSAT Committee
Executive Committee
Amy Pailthorpe
Kim Wilson
Vice President
Abby Gentile
Liz Gentile